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When the winter holidays get close, your business needs to ave seasonal items to sell in the store. Your business may not be the type of business that adapts to the holidays very well, but you want to use the holiday spirit to make a few extra sales. As a small business owner, you need to make choices that work with your current stock. Also, you need to make choices that will profit your business greatly.

Everyone loves candy, and you should not be ashamed to sell candy in your store. You can put candy by your registers to help encourage impulse purchasing, or you can bring in a special type of candy that is quite expensive. People who visit your store may buy this candy when they are in the store simply because it is so nice. These are unexpected profits for your business, and the profits are easy to merchandise.

Christmas ornaments are something every business should sell. You need to have at least one Christmas ornament that has the name of your business on it. These ornaments will find their way onto trees all over the area, and the ornaments are free marketing for your business during the holiday season. You will get return business to your store simply because people remembered you when they saw your ornament.

Selling Christmas cards is also simple for your business. You can sell e-cards online, and you can sell cards in your store. People are trying to get these cards at the last minute will be able to purchase them in your store. Again, you are playing on impulse purchases that people need to make curing the holidays.

Themed Merchandise
You can give some of your own merchandise a holiday theme or packaging. You need to make sure you make a change for the holidays to promote this themed merchandise, and you must remember that people will purchase products they already have simply because it has a holiday theme.

Also, you will catch more impulse buyers when they are visiting from out of town. People who are visiting your store with relatives will likely find your Christmas themed merchandise more appealing and novel. You can bring out these items for the time of year you have tourists in town, and you will see your profits rise because the most common buyers of these items are in town.

You can make a great deal of money from Christmas themed merchandise, but you have to plan to carry the right items. Consider everything above before you start stocking the shelves of your business. Your customers have a need, and you must fill it during the holiday season.

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