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Blogging has become way more than just a buzz word. Making blog posts on a regular basis not only gives your customers additional information and a new way to interact with you, but it also increases your web “real estate”, giving you a greater chance of being found in the search engines. Of course, it’s hard to push through it when your web stats are showing that only a few people are checking out your blog. Check out these tips if you’re ready to take things to the next level.

Be Interesting

Take a good look at your previous blog posts. Are they full of interesting and helpful information or are they designed to increase your chances of getting found by the search engines? If the large majority of your blog posts are things like “How to Find a Plumber in Rochester, MN” or “3 Tips for Recognizing a Quality Roofing Company in Orlando”, you’re not giving your customers a good reason to come back again and again.
Instead, think about posts that could actually be useful for your customers. A plumbing blog might include a post called “What’s That Funky Smell in the Bathroom?” while the roofing blog might be “Is Insurance Going to Pay for This?” When you post these types of articles, you’ll get both repeat blog visitors and new visitors from people who shared the content.

Get the Word Out

If no one knows about your blog, you’re not likely to have a lot of readers. Don’t be shy about getting the word out. Include a link to your blog on your business cards and other promotional materials. Make each blog post easily shareable through Facebook or Pinterest. It’s also a good idea to connect with your customers through Facebook and Twitter, as a lot of people prefer those sites. When you put up a new post, it’s easy to post a link to it to encourage customers to visit.

Switch It Up

People get bored of reading the same old thing, so it’s a good idea to vary your approach when it comes to blogging. For instance, you might mix lighthearted posts with informational posts, or sometimes include things like video or infographics. Casting a wider net in this way also means that you are attracting people who have different tastes. Some of your customers might prefer a written how-to guide. Others might prefer a video.

Increase Exposure

No matter what industry you’re in, you may look enviously at the amount of traffic that the blogs of industry leaders are able to attract. Here’s a secret – you can get those same eyeballs simply by using their blog. If you’ve got something of value to add to the conversation, approach that blog owner about writing a guest post. At the end of the post, it will say a little bit about you and your business, along with a link to your blog. Of course, no everyone will click through to visit your own blog, but you’ll have still put your name in front of all of those regular readers. It increases the perception that you are an expert in your field.

Blogging can be a bare-bones, minimalist way to get some exposure for your business, but a bit of extra funding can help you hire the best writers or update marketing materials to include the blog address. This added exposure can increase revenue significantly. If you’ve got a short-term cash flow problem, talk to the experts at Business Credit and Capital about how our loans can help you move forward.

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